Coding: primarily R. Occasionally PostgreSQL, Shell, and tools like AWK and SED.
GIS: QGIS for quick and dirty approaches. GRASS and GMT (more rarely at the moment) for long-term projects
Lab and Fieldwork: pollen analysis with focus on European post-glacial vegetation. Organization of field campaigns. Manual corings. Targeted sampling strategies. Chemical preparation of lake and wetland sediments.
2007 | Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage Sciences | Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
2010 | Master’s degree in Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
2020 | PhD in Natural Sciences | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany)
2007 | Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeoecology CNR-IDPA (Italy) | Freelance collaborator
2011-2012 | Atmosphere Regolith Vegetation Research Group - Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) | Research assistant
2016 | Collaborative Research Centre 1266: “Scales of Transformation: Human-Environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies” - Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany) | Research assistant
2020 | Corradini, E., Wilken, D., Zanon, M., Groß, D., Lübke, H., Panning, D., Dörfler, W., Rusch, K., Mecking, R., Erkul, E., Pickartz, N., Feeser, I., Rabbel, W. Reconstructing the palaeoenvironment at the early Mesolithic site of Lake Duvensee: Ground-penetrating radar and geoarchaeology for 3D facies mapping. The Holocene.
2019 | Zanon, M., Unkel, I., Andersen, N., Kirleis, W.Palaeoenvironmental dynamics at the southern Alpine foothills between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age onset. A multi-proxy study from Bande di Cavriana (Mantua, Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews 221, 105891.
2019 | Groß, D., Piezonka, H., Corradini, E., Schmölcke, U., Zanon, M., Dörfler, W., Dreibrodt, S., Feeser, I., Krüger, S., Lübke, H., Panning, D., Wilken, D. Adaptations and transformations of hunter-gatherers in forest environments: New archaeological and anthropological insights. The Holocene 29, 1531–1544.
2018 | Groß, D., Lübke, H., Schmölcke, U., Zanon, M. Early Mesolithic activities at ancient Lake Duvensee, northern Germany. The Holocene.
2018 | Capuzzo, G., Zanon, M., Dal Corso, M. , Kirleis, W., Barceló, J.A. Highly diverse Bronze Age population dynamics in Central-Southern Europe and their response to regional climatic patterns. PLOS ONE 13.
2018| Zanon, M., Davis, B.A.S., Marquer, L., Brewer, S., Kaplan, J.O. European Forest Cover During the Past 12,000 Years: A Palynological Reconstruction Based on Modern Analogs and Remote Sensing. Front. Plant Sci. 9.
2013 | Ravazzi, C., Marchetti, M., Zanon, M., Perego, R., Quirino, T., Deaddis, M., De Amicis, M., Margaritora, D. Lake evolution and landscape history in the lower Mincio River valley, unravelling drainage changes in the central Po Plain (N-Italy) since the Bronze Age. Quaternary International 288, 195–205.
2013 | Davis, B.A.S., Zanon, M., Collins, P., Mauri, A., et al. The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) project. Veget Hist Archaeobot 22, 521–530.
2013 | Davis, B.A.S., Zanon, M., Collins, P., Mauri, A., et al. Erratum to: The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) project. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22, 531–531.
2011 | Ravazzi, C., Marchetti, M., Zanon, M., Perego, R., Castellano, L., Deaddis, M., de Marinis, R., Quirino, T. Lake evolution since the bronze age in the lower Mincio river valley and the Forcello etruscan harbour (central Po plain). Il Quaternario 24, 202–204.
2019| Dal Corso, M., Kirleis, W., Kneisel, J., Taylor, N., Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Zanon, M. (Editors) How’s Life? Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE. Sidestone Press, Leiden.
2014| Zanon, M. Prime analisi palinologiche, in: Poggiani Keller, R. (Ed.), Contadini, Allevatori e Artigiani a Tosina Di Monzambano (Mn) Tra V e IV Millennio a.C. - Una Comunità Neolitica Nei Circuiti Padani e Veneti. Grafiche Tagliani Stampa e Comunicazione per Acherdo Edizioni, Calcinato (Bs).
2014 | Zanon, M. Primi dati sulla storia della vegetazione in alta Val Brembana durante l’Olocene. Indagini palinologiche presso la Moia Armentarga (Carona, Bergamo). Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, 21, 5-22.
2011 | Perego, R., Badino, F., Deaddis, M., Ravazzi, C., Vallè, F., Zanon, M. L’origine del paesaggio agricolo pastorale in nord Italia: espansione di Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm. nella civiltà palafitticola. Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 19, 161–173.