This page includes the instructions to install Generic Mapping Tool (GMT) on Ubuntu. I tested it with GMT 6.0.0 and Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic.

The aim here is to provide a step-by-step guide based on the the instructions available at

I wrote a previous version of this guide on while playing with Wordpress. That page is no longer maintained, even thoug I might check it for new comments every now and then.

A shell-ready file summing up all the following instructions is avaiable at

Step 1 - setting up the variables

Replace the ‘install_dir’ path with the location where you want to install GMT




Coastlines, rivers, political boundaries (GSHHG) and country polygons (DCW) are downloaded separately from GMT.

Update ‘gshhg’ and ‘dcw’ above with the versions you want to download and install. Check and to get the correct file names

It shouldn`t be needed to change anything below this point. Copying & pasting should be sufficient.

Step 2 - Preapare all necessary components

Create the install directory if it doesn´t exist already:

mkdir -p "$install_dir"

cd "$install_dir"

Install some necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential cmake libgdal-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libnetcdf-dev libfftw3-dev libpcre3-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev suggests to use libgdal1-dev. At the moment it appears that this package is not available for Ubuntu 18.04. I replaced it with libgdal-dev and everything appears to be working just fine.

Download the most recent GMT vesion from github. All install files are downloaded into $install_dir/GMT_install_files

sudo apt install git

git clone GMT_install_files

cd  GMT_install_files

Download and unzip coastlines, rivers, political boundaries and country polygons


for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xvzf $i; done

Step 3 - Configure the install files

Produce the necessary ConfigUser.cmake from ConfigUserTemplate.cmake

cp ./cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake ./cmake/ConfigUser.cmake

Inside ConfigUser.cmake, activate (remove #) lines

set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX “prefix_path”)

set (GSHHG_ROOT “gshhg_path”)

set (DCW_ROOT “dcw-gmt_path”)



Then replace “prefix_path” with the path to the installation folder. Replace “gshhg_path” with the path to the GSHHG unzipped package. Replace “dcw-gmt_path” with the path to the DCW unzipped package.

sed -i 's|#set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "prefix_path")|set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX '"$install_dir"')|g' "$install_dir"/GMT_install_files/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake

sed -i 's|#set (GSHHG_ROOT "gshhg_path")|set (GSHHG_ROOT '"$install_dir\/GMT_install_files\/$gshhg"')|g' "$install_dir"/GMT_install_files/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake

sed -i 's|#set (DCW_ROOT "dcw-gmt_path")|set (DCW_ROOT '"$install_dir\/GMT_install_files\/$dcw"')|g' "$install_dir"/GMT_install_files/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake
sed -i 's|#set (COPY_GSHHG TRUE)|set (COPY_GSHHG TRUE)|g' "$install_dir"/GMT_install_files/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake
sed -i 's|#set (COPY_DCW TRUE)|set (COPY_DCW TRUE)|g' "$install_dir"/GMT_install_files/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake

Step 4 - Build and Install GMT

Create a build directory, move into it and install GMT:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Add the path to GMT to ~/.profile and reload it for the changes to take effect:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$install_dir/bin" >> ~/.profile

. ~/.profile

Step 5 - Test to make sure everything is working

Produce a .ps map of Iceland and convert it into .pdf:

cd $install_dir
gmt pscoast -R-30/-10/62/68 -Jm1c -B5 -Ggrey -Df>
ps2pdf $install_dir/